Participant safety is of utmost importance and if any threatening weather conditions listed below are present the day of the event, the event may be delayed or cancelled. As the Mahaska Health Foundation cannot control the weather, cancellation for this reason will not result in a refund.
Threatening Weather Conditions
Run in the Sun may be DELAYED if any of the following weather conditions exist:
- Tornado warning/watch
- Thunderstorm
- “Heavy” Rain/Flash Flood Watch
Run in the Sun may be CANCELLED if any of the following weather conditions exist or persist after 1 hour:
- Tornado warning/watch
- Thunderstorm
- Extreme heat warning
Broadcast of Cancellation
If the event is cancelled less than 24 hours prior to the start time: Event Lead Ann Frost, Mahaska Health Foundation Director, will notify all participants via e-mail and post a cancellation announcement to Facebook. It will also be sent to KBOE, Ottumwa Radio, OskyNews, and our local media outlets.
If the event is cancelled during the actual event, volunteers will be notified and ordered to assist Run in the Sun committee members in notifying participants of the safety hazards of continuing the race.