Your support helps to create change and inspire hope throughout our community

Tributes & Memorial Gifts
Make A Difference
Our Story
Our Story
Online donation: Visit our secure online donation portal at to make a one-time or recurring donation. Your gift will be put to work immediately to make a difference.
By Phone: Call Amanda Doud, Foundation Director, at 641-676-7420 to make your gift over the phone. We’re here to help you every step of the way.
By Mail: You can also send a check payable to Mahaska Health Foundation to PO Box 357, Oskaloosa, IA 52577. Please include your contact information so we can send you a receipt for your tax records.
In-Person: Visit our Mahaska Health Foundation Office to drop off your donation in person. We would love to express our gratitude in person.
Legacy Giving: Consider leaving a lasting legacy through planned giving. Contact Amanda Doud, Foundation Director, at 641-676-7420 to explore options such as including Mahaska Health Foundation in your will or setting up a charitable trust.
Thank you for considering making a difference in the lives of others!
About the Mahaska Health Foundation
The Mahaska Health Foundation was formed to meet the needs of our community – today and in the years to come. The Foundation was established in 1994 to serve as an independent board and financial resource for the improvement of health care at Mahaska Health and the communities we serve. The Foundation is a designated 501(c)3) nonprofit. Mahaska Health Foundation is responsible for contributions, bequests, and memorials directed to Mahaska Health. Thanks to generous investors and supporters, our facilities are continuously being improved, technology updated, services expanded, and lives in our communities are impacted for the better.
For more information or to find out how you can be involved, please contact the Mahaska Health Foundation at 641.676.7420.
The following members currently serve
on the Mahaska Health Foundation Board of Directors:
Guy Vander Linden
Barb DeGeest
Shawn Langkamp
Josh Buckingham, Treasurer
Shirley Vore, Vice Chair
Daris Rosencrance, Mahaska Health CFO
Our Mission:
To raise support and awareness for projects and services that maintain and improve the quality of patient care at Mahaska Health.
Our Vision:
To meet the healthcare needs of today while looking, planning, and investing into the future.
More Ways to Give to Mahaska Health Foundation
Many of the gifts made to the Mahaska Health Foundation are Memorial or Tribute gifts. You may choose to make a gift in memory of a loved one who received services from Mahaska Health, or you may also make a gift in honor of someone who has made an impact on your life. These loving tributes provide lasting benefits to the communities served by Mahaska Health.
A good estate plan is one that guarantees all your wishes will be faithfully executed, provides you with peace of mind, and ensures that your beneficiaries enjoy the legacy that you worked so hard to build. Estate plans are not just for older people or for those with significant financial resources. They are for anybody and everybody.
A planned gift to the Mahaska Health Foundation enables you to support our healthcare mission and make a difference in the lives of your friends and neighbors, as well as future generations. Here are some of the ways you can leave a legacy and support the Mahaska Health Foundation.
For further information, please contact the Mahaska Health Foundation at 641.676.7420.
The simplest way to make a planned gift is through your will. You can direct a specific amount or percentage of your estate to support Mahaska Health’s work. Your gift can be designated to support the hospital’s greatest need, or a hospital service that is most important to you.
For further information, please contact the Mahaska Health Foundation at 641.676.7420.
Endowments can be created with gifts of $10,000 or greater. The earnings support the department or service that you designate. You may add to your endowment at any time.
For further information, please contact the Mahaska Health Foundation at 641.676.7420.
There are many other ways to give and support Mahaska Health. These include cash gifts, gift annuities, trusts, IRAs or other retirement plans, life insurance, real estate, securities and more. You are encouraged to talk with your financial advisor for more specific information on how to reach your financial, philanthropic and estate goals by creating a gift plan that’s right for you. If you have questions, please contact the Mahaska Health Foundation at 641.676.7420.

Mahaska Health Foundation Areas to Support
Cancer Care & Infusion Center. Generosity from caring individuals like you makes it possible to continue expanding resources to our Cancer Care and Infusion Center to fight cancer and continue to bring national-level expertise and care to our community.
Cardiology Center of Excellence. Our expanding Cardiology services at Mahaska Health focus on advancements, training, and education to save the lives of those affected by heart disease in our community. Most cardiovascular conditions can be prevented with increased awareness and healthy lifestyle changes. Our Cardiac Care Team of Experts is dedicated to providing the highest quality of personalized cardiac care.
Hope Fund & Area of Greatest Need. Help raise support and awareness for projects and services that maintain and improve the quality of patient care at Mahaska Health. My donation may be used to meet Mahaska Health’s greatest needs, including improvements to our facilities, expansion of services, scholarships for Mahaska Health Employees, equipment upgrades, and more.
Hospice and the Hospice Serenity House. End-of-life care focuses on the patient’s comfort and making the most of the time that remains. Hospice addresses the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of patients and their loved ones. Mahaska Health Hospice cares for patients of all ages both in the patient’s home and at the Hospice Serenity House, a six-bed residential hospice facility on the Mahaska Health Campus.
Nursing Scholarships. The role of Nurses continues to expand to help meet the ever changing healthcare needs of our community. The Mahaska Health Foundation has committed to support Mahaska Health Nurses who want to grow their leadership skills and further their nursing career. To date, three (3) $3,000 scholarships have been given to Mahaska Health Nurses to attend William Penn University’s RN to BSN Program, which focuses on complexities of decision-making for providing professional nursing care. Students enhance their leadership skills that are essential to nursing practice in a diverse and ever-changing healthcare environment. With more community support for the Nursing Scholarship Fund, the Foundation will be able to expand its scholarship offerings.