MAHASKA COUNTY — The Mahaska Health Foundation recently purchased reflective safety jackets to increase visibility and reduce the risk of injury for paramedics.

According to Foundation Director Cathy Stahl, paramedics can put themselves in harm’s way when providing care for ill and injured patients, especially on roadways when responding to car accidents but also in other emergency situations. The jackets are a way to help keep paramedics safer.

“The Mahaska Health Foundation is a volunteer board of community members who help promote gifting to support the financial needs of the hospital,” Cathy explained. “The funds we used to purchase the jackets were restricted to benefit Emergency Services, so we worked with the director of the department to find out what they needed that was not budgeted for this year. The Foundation Board agreed that purchasing the jackets was a great use of the funds.”

Mahaska Health Foundation Board Chair Sandy Bailey said the Foundation is currently sponsoring “Partner’s in Healthcare,” a fundraising campaign. “As a lifetime resident of Oskaloosa, my family members and I have used Mahaska Health numerous times over the years and have always had wonderful care by the providers and staff,” Sandy said. “I’m grateful that my health care needs can be met right here in Oskaloosa.

“I encourage you to consider supporting this campaign,” Sandy said. “There are several options to give, including online donations. You can make your gift in honor or memory of someone special and the Foundation will send gift notifications to whoever you request. What a perfect gift for someone who has everything.”

Sandy explained that the Foundation honors donors’ intent of where in the hospital they want their gift to benefit. “We are featuring hospice and nursing scholarships with this current campaign, but donors can also indicate they want their funds to go where there is the greatest need. Then the Foundation Board helps to determine where donations will be applied.”

Cathy said people can also indicate that they want their donation to benefit a specific department or service at Mahaska Health. “There is no such thing as a small gift; there are only gifts that are greatly appreciated,” Cathy stressed.

For more information regarding ways you can support the Mahaska Health Foundation, check out the Mahaska Health Foundation Facebook page or call Cathy at 641.676.7146.

Pictured, from left: Mahaska Health CEO Kevin DeRonde, Board Member Andy Holmberg, Paramedics Troy Schutt and Rob Hanlon, and Foundation Board Members Sandy Bailey, Josh Buckingham, Vicky Collette, Shawn Langkamp and Guy Vander Linden.

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