Melissa Lamb, ARNP-BC specializes in the areas of allergy, immunology and pulmonology and has been with Mahaska Health since 2006. Lamb joined the team at Mahaska Health after 5 years of extensive pulmonary specialty experience at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Melissa can empathize with patients because she has been on the patient side of allergy difficulties, and besides general allergies, patients often come to her with eczema or asthma concerns. She enjoys educating her patients and giving them a reason ‘why’- not just formulating a diagnosis and treatment plan. Melissa takes an interest in her patients to provide compassionate care and understands each situation is unique and not all treatments are effective for everyone.
Melissa chose to practice at Mahaska Health because she has spent her entire life in the Midwest and the Mahaska community feels much like her native small-town home in Kansas. Lamb and her family remain very busy with sports activities at Lacey Complex, as well as enjoy getting away to the mountains of Colorado and Utah.
Allergy & Pulmonology
Board Status
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
Winona State University, Winona, MN
Specialized Experience & Training
5 years of extensive pulmonary specialty experience at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
Mahaska Health, Oskaloosa, IA