Vaccine *Phase 1B Tiers

Timelines and eligible populations are subject to change per IDPH. Iowa remains in a vaccine shortage.

Vaccine Phase 1B Tiers 1

MAHASKA COUNTY (March 8, 2021) – The Mahaska Health Emergency Management, Mahaska Health, CERT, MCG, and Public Health have coordinated together to help our residents get pre-registered for the vaccine and provide our community with information and assistance.

The Call Center is available at (641) 676-3599, Monday through Friday from 9AM to 5PM for any questions you may have, or to get pre-registered for the vaccine. The Call Center Team will assist you in registering your information or you may fill out the online form here, so the process is more efficient when it is time for scheduling your appointment. For more information, please visit the EMA and Mahaska County Public Health Facebook pages. You can also visit Mahaska Health website:

For Mahaska County Residents:

For those eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, and who would like to pre-register to receive the vaccine:

Please call 641-676-3599 or visit

We would like to sincerely thank you for your continued patience through the vaccination roll out process. The vaccine remains in short supply and demand continues to exceed supply, however we are working to vaccinate as many individuals as possible given the vaccine availability. Mahaska County continues to follow federal and state recommendations for vaccine rollout.

Iowa Department of Health issued a vaccine shortage order on January 11, at the same time that Phase 1B priority populations were released by the State, and included individuals who are 75 and older and other high risk populations. To help balance vaccine supply with the Phase 1B demands, the Iowa Department of Public Health implemented a tiered prioritization outlined here (the IDPH cautions that timeframes and phases are estimated and are subject to change.)

The Phase 1B priority populations, released by the state of Iowa on January 11, was expanded on January 21 by Governor Kim Reynolds to include Iowans 65 years and over, effective March 8, was expanded to include individuals 64 years of age or younger who are or might be at an increased risk from COVID-19. A list of these underlying conditions are listed on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website.

Our Mahaska EMA Call Center is happy to assist you with getting pre-registered for the vaccine and answer any questions you may have.

If you are 65+ or you are included in Phase 1B, (and Individuals 16-64 with a Medical Condition) and would like the COVID-19 vaccine, please use one of the following options below to be put on the pre-registration list:

To better serve our community we ask that loved ones who are able, please assist individuals 65 and over by encouraging them to call into the call center or registering their information online. That will allow us to be more responsive to persons who have no other resource for receiving updated information or assistance.